IHA coaching courses – Descriptions


Introduction to Hockey Coaching – Teachers

This course is designed to be an introduction to hockey coaching for teachers and teacher trainees. It is designed to look specifically at the coaching needs of those with a background in education and based upon assumptions of inherent presentational knowledge.

The course is 6 hours in duration and focuses on delivering basic hockey skills to beginners and learners. The course will also focus on the way children learn sports reinforcing the IHA coaching ethos of ‘We hear we forget, we see we understand, we do we learn’.

Introduction to Hockey Coaching – Volunteers

This course is designed to be an introduction to hockey coaching for volunteers and parents. Whilst still paying heed to the skills required to be taught to beginners the course will focus on the delivery and organisation of sessions. The course specifically looks at the coaching needs of those with a limited background in hockey but who may require the coaching skills to impart their assumed knowledge.

The course is 6 hours in duration and focuses on delivering basic hockey skills to beginners and learners. The course will also focus on the way children learn sports reinforcing the IHA coaching ethos of ‘We hear we forget, we see we understand, we do we learn’.

IHA Level 1 Coaching Award

The level 1 award is designed for people looking to head group session. The course prepares people to plan deliver and evaluate sessions and is aimed at people looking to lead sessions within a club or school environment focusing on the way skills are developed within younger players.

Candidates MUST have attended an introductory award before attending a level 1 award with the exception of those excused by the exemption below. It is strongly recommended however that all candidates undertake an introductory award before taking part in a level one course.

In order to come onto the Level 1 Coaching Course, candidates must 18 years old by the last date of the course AND must meet one of the following criteria:

  • Have completed an Introductory Coaching Course OR
  • Have been registered as an playing club member since the 2006-07 season OR
  • Be able to provide evidence of coaching within a senior club environment within the last 2 years

The course is 3 days in duration and includes a Code of Ethics/Child Protection Course. The course prepares coaches for planning and delivering sessions that develop technical and tactical understanding of hockey.

The course covers the following themes:

  • Core Skills
  • The principles and rules of hockey
  • Skill development
  • Use of small sided games
  • Warm up and cool down
  • The role of the coach
  • Reflective practise

IHA Level 2 Coaching Award

The level 2 award is designed for people coaching teams or wishing to advance their coaching skills and knowledge. The course prepares coaches to develop skills over a series of session through the development of game based practisesThe course is aimed at people who are coaching club and school teams and includes a higher level of technical development than the level 1 course as well as the introduction of core tactics.

Candidates MUST have completed the IHA level 1 award or show evidence of completing a similar award in another country.

The course is 4 days in duration and attendance at the whole course is essential. There will also be an assessment day within 4 months of the course which is also obligatory.

The course reinforces the themes in level 1 as well as introducing the following themes:

  • Further skill development
  • Principles of attack and defence
  • Player/squad interaction
  • Introduction to physical development of players

IHA Level 3 Coaching Award

The level 3 award is aimed at coaches that wish to coach to a higher level within a team environment. Candidates MUST have completed the IHA level 2 award or show evidence of completing a similar award in another country.

The course is only suitable for those who are coaching at a high level.

The course will include 7 contact days over the course of a year plus an assessment day.

The course reinforces and develops the principles established in previous IHA courses as well as introducing the following topics.

  • Teaching and presentation styles
  • Psychology
  • Match Analysis
  • Video Analysis
  • Conditioning and periodisation
  • Planning
  • Reflective practise

If you would like to attend one of these courses then please e-mail on vivienne.clarke@hockey.ie for an application form.

This article was taken from the Irish Hockey Association website. Please check the site for regular updates on coaching information – www.hockey.ie

Posted by PWHC

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