Pembroke Wanderers

Hockey for boys and girls from Junior Infants to 6th Year

Pembroke Juniors Mission Statement

Pembroke Juniors devoted to creating an respectful, safe, friendly and supportive community for young people - from Junior Infants (boys & girls) to 4th Year (boys) and 6th Year (girls) - to learn and develop their team and individual hockey skills.

Players are coached to respect the game, coaches, team mates, opponents and officials whilst developing a sense of competitiveness, team camaraderie and sportsmanship. Pembroke coaches aim to provide a high standard of coaching that creates a positive, fun and challenging experience for each player.

We strive to create a community where opportunities for excellence exist, healthy competitiveness encouraged, friendships are forged and a sense of fun and enthusiasm for the game of hockey is fostered.

Key Contacts

Juniors Admin (Main mailbox for all Juniors queries)

Juniors Head Coach
Rory Treacy -

Juniors Vice-Captain
Hilda Hamilton -

Juniors Captain
Andrea Pappin -



About Pembroke Juniors


Pembroke Wanderers Juniors is a thriving part of our Club, with over 700 children (boys and girls) and around 50 Coaches. We have three main groups:

  • Hockey Tots (Junior & Senior Infants)
  • Blitzers (1st-5th Class)
  • League Teams (6th Class-6th Year)

See below for key training times. For players at all ages, gum shields and shin guards are compulsory and all footwear should be suitable for Astro-Turf pitches.

To ensure we have a one Club spirit, we ask that all players wear our Club colours, which is available from Ed Sports, located in the Pembroke Grounds.

Being part of the larger Club community is really key for us in Juniors. In addition to training and matches, we run a number of social events throughout the season so that our Juniors know they are part of the wider community and enjoy all that our Clubhouse has to offer.

This is a team sport and it takes all of us to make it successful. So in order to do this, we have a Codes of Conduct for all involved - for our players, parents and coaches

Interested in joining?

Thank you for your interest in joining Pembroke Wanderers Hockey Club.
  • Boys: We have spaces available for the 24/25 season in each age group.
  • Girls: We are at full capacity for members for the 24/25 season. Please register your interest below for the 25/26 season and we will be in touch over the summer months once we have our membership numbers confirmed and are in a position to offer you a place.
Please note once your Registration of Interest form has been received, you will be added to our waiting list. We will be in contact with you using the contact details you provide to offer a space, once one becomes available.

Membership Registration of Interest Form

2024/25 Subscriptions

1st Child: €225

2nd Child: €195

3rd Child: €100

4th and all additional children: Free

Academy players subscriptions are dependent on whether they are playing Junior or Senior hockey.

2024/25 renewal window is 29 July-11 August. Please ensure you have paid by this date, so that you/your child/ren are not disappointed.




Tots (Boys & Girls) Junior & Senior Infants - Fridays, 18:00-18:45


Boys 1st-6th class - Fridays, 18:00-19:00

Boys u14 (1st & 2nd Years) Fridays, 19:00-20:30

Boys u16 (3rd & 4th Years) Fridays, 19:00-20:30


Girls 1st-4th Class - Sunday, 09:00-10:00

Girls 5th Class - Sundays, 10:00-11:00

Girls 6th Class - Sundays, 11:00-12:00

Girls u14 (1st Years) Sundays, 12:00 -13:15

Girls u14 (2nd Years) Sundays, 13:15 -14:30

Girls u16 (A & B Squads) Fridays, 20:00-21:30

Girls u16 (E-F-G Squads) Sundays, 14:30-16:00

Girls u16 (C & D Squads) Sundays, 16:00-17:30

Girls u18 (5th & 6th Years) Sundays, 17:30-19:00

All sessions above are delivered at Serpentine Avenue, Ballsbridge, D04 T329. Occasionally sessions may rotate into Our Lady's Grove School in Goatstown, D14Y993.

Child Welfare Team

Child welfare is paramount here at Pembroke Juniors. We work closely with Hockey Ireland and Sports Ireland to ensure the highest standards - so that our players can enjoy a safe place to enjoy this great sport.

Andrea Pappin

Children’s Officer

The Children's Officer is responsible for ensuring that all Juniors coaches over 16 are Garda vetted. They are also responsible for ensuring that the Club has the appropriate child centred approach to all key Club policies. 


Designated Liaison Person (DLP)

The Designated Person is responsible for reporting any concern about the protection of children to the Statutory authorities. This role works independently from the Children's officer.